Saturday, March 31, 2012

Polar Buns

Aurora "Lepor"ealis!



Look at the Peeps huskies!  The Peeps reindeer!  I'm pretty sure those are marshmallow flukes flashing back there in the corner...  Peep artist Nina Cois, you are a genius!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

La pasión!

Good heavens! My life is not too boring, but it is never, ever like this:

The information attached to this video on YouTube identifies the performers as Sylvia Shazadi, Carmelo Cuevas, and his horse Cartagines.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Good Riddance, Winter

Here on the East coast of the US, the spring equinox is at 12:14 a.m. on Tuesday, March 20.

Sorry, Southern hemisphere.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Nudibranch Tuesday!

These little guys are so expressive in elegant closeup!

Many more exciting undersea videos await at the YouTube Channel of Japan's Enoshima Aquarium.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Feelin' Crabby?

A smooch will cheer you up.


More lip designs from this artist and other lovely images here:

I know what you're thinking...  Yes, the internet has given us nail art to match.

Via the delightfully named Spaz and Squee

Friday, March 9, 2012

Art Film

This has everything:  dance!  costumes!  underwater! underwater puppetry!

The film is about 10 minutes long and deserves your full attention, so if you're in the middle of your day perhaps you'd like to come back when you're settled in after dinner.

SOLIPSIST from Andrew Huang on Vimeo.

Also: a behind-the-scenes video--

SOLIPSIST - Making Of from Andrew Huang on Vimeo.

Thank you Andrew Huang!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Seaside Magic

Maybe all the enchantment comes from the old-timey editing, but the appearance of a surprise guest at :45 is pretty magical too.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

More Octopus Romance... and More Nail Art

Here in the open ocean, things seem a bit more decorous, but I still think there's a menacing undertone to the sentiment, "you ARE going to say you love me too."  Nonetheless,  I appreciate that the editor of this video has kept us on our toes with a Beatles' tune that is NOT Octopus's Garden.

Actual underwater footage starts at :22

These blue ring octopodes must be absolute champs at repelling the evil eye.


via combined with

While we're on topic of nazars, how about some nail art!



manicured from

Friday, March 2, 2012

More Owls

I hate to fall back on the obvious, but these owls really are "a hoot."

I like the commingled incredulousness and resignation at 0:11