Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Frog Kicks Back

The YouTube poster assures us, "The video was shot entirely fortuitously. The frog is OK. There is no nails, no glue, animal abuse, etc. Later, she jumped off the bench and galloped away to the water"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Nudibranch Tuesday: Nail Art Edition

You must have shared my sense that this was inevitable.

Tutorial one gives us:

And a second approach to Nudibranch Nails:

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pas de Bunné

A Peeps version of the "Kingdom of the Shades" from La Bayadère:


Hungarian Zither Metal

This video has everything! Farm animals! Throat singing! Orbs! Metal! Geraniums!

As best I can tell, "Citerion" is a Hungarian Ensemble.  I am guessing the name has something to do with "citera," the Hungarian zither.  No idea about the "puszta illegal professional." 

More zither shredding:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I Didn't Know You Cared....

Do you know that the words "caress" and "carrot" share an etymological root?   Yes, really!  Well, no, not really, but here are some roots sharing a caress:

"Cuddling Cwmbran Carrots Stun Gardening Gran"


Lena Paahlsson says the ring was on a small carrot she was about to discard.

How is the news coverage on this story utterly devoid of caret/carrot puns?

One Carrot Ring by Solange Azagury-Partridge